Sinal do Vale
A place for tomorrow

About this place

City: Rio de Janeiro
Country: Brazil
Location: Rural
Accessibility: International Airport, National Train/Busstation
Capacity: 25 - 48 participants

Likewise the “Museum of Tomorrow“, Sinal do Vale (SINAL) is a place to explore opportunities and challenges humanity will have to face in the next decades. The Museum is located in the center of Rio de Janeiro at the margins of Guanabara Bay, SINAL is behind the Bay in the mountains, where Mata Atlantica rainforest, still a hotspot for biodiversity, is exuberant. SINAL represents in practice what an alternative way of life in harmony with nature could be.

The house

Sinal do Vale is conceived as a regenerative campus for the future, a learning place, working at three levels, at the individual level as we can only transform the world if we transform ourselves, at the community level. To truly collaborate we need to appreciate and respect our differences. Learn to work together. Ultimately these two levels affect the impact we have as individuals and groups at the ecosystems, which we envision to improve and regenerate.
Apart from hosting groups of international and local guests, Sinal do Vale runs its own programs These programs as well as the operations of the place itself are guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (e.g. 75% of all food consumed at Sinal do Vale are home grown).

Outdoor spaces and activities

In the long run, SINAL wants to consolidate a model of land stewardship that illustrates how the current climate crisis can be addressed in a decentralized way, allowing the participation of everyone and ensuring that coexisting together we find a way of co-living with our planet and all its beings.

Meeting spaces

The SDGs this place contributes to

  • Zero Hunger
  • Good health and well-being
  • Sustainable cities & communities
  • Climate action
  • Life on land
  • Partnerships for the goals
  • Best suited for:

  • Teambuilding
  • Digital detox
  • Youth empowerment
  • Strategy and Vision Process
  • Nature retreat
  • Personal reflection and growth
  • Network meeting
  • Partnership building
  • Training and learning experiences
  • Organizational development
  • Amenities

  • Starry Sky
  • Pool
  • Lake
  • Hammocks
  • Vegetable garden
  • Meditation space
  • Arts atelier
  • About the host

    Thais Corral

    Thais Corral, is a visionary who has invested much of her life’s time and energy to the core concerns of the SDGs in Latin America and beyond. One focus of her decades of work has been the international women’s movement and the associated empowerment of young women as equal actors in society to shape the future of the planet. Furthermore, Thais continuously works towards educational justice, focusing especially on the inclusion of young people in the issues of building a regenerative way of life, namely contributing to the regeneration of all forms of life. She believes nature is a great teacher that can orient towards the right action. Her decades of experiences have been funnelled into the development of the place “Sinal do Vale”, 45 minutes outside of Rio de Janeiro center, which has become a laboratory of regenerative living for change agents and guests from all over the world. Here the SDGs can be felt and experienced. In her work, she always focuses on the elements of expanding awareness, forging empowerment and regeneration of all forms of life.

    Thais Corral

    Sinal do Vale

    Contact Sinal do Vale